This is the list of resources contributed by workshop participants.
Data set [please add your name, name of data set, and references such as pointer to an archive, ....]
- Scholarly Database at IU with 28M papers, patents, grants, clinical trials that can be cross searched. Datasets can be downloaded as dump in easy to process formats.
- Digging into Data Data Repository:
Data to mimic/factual evidence for beliefs and negotiation
- Stefan Thurner this group set up an on-line game see Stefan is member of Knowescape
- Twitter data of Filippo Menczer's group
- Conover, Michael. 2013. "Digital Democracy The Structure and Dynamics of Political Communication in a Large Scale Social Media Stream". Thesis
Database of data sources
- Living archive:
Model tools you use [public such as NetLogo, Java library or tailor made]
- NWB, Sci2 and EpiC ( provide a number of modelling algorithms. Sci2 is used/taught in the Information Visualization MOOC (
- Peer review model in Jason from Grimaldo & Paolucci:
- Nicolas Payette NetLogo
- Stuart Rossiter: MASON as a programmer-friendly transparent Java ABM framework; AnyLogic as a user-focused, visual, multi-paradigm commercial tool (not just ABM); dabbled in Repast Simphony but find it a little too much of a half-way house; intending to use NetLogo more (unfairly branded a 'beginner's ABM tool' IMO) after some previous dabbling in StarLogo.
Data Sources for Models of Academic Careers
- NSF data sources on postdocs (US):
- Higher Education Statistics Agency data on employees in HE (UK):
- UCU Academic Staff Stress Survey results (UK):
- UCEA Academic Workforce Survey 2013 (UK):
- NSF Microdata (US):
- Enengel, B., Muhar, A., Penker, M., Freyer, B., Drlik, S., & Ritter, F. (2011). Co-production of knowledge in transdisciplinary doctoral theses on landscape development—An analysis of actor roles and knowledge types in different research phases. Landscape and Urban Planning, 105, 106-117.
Mailing List
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mailing list is public at the moment, but it will be changed to
moderated in the next days when enough people have subscribed.
Peer Review & Open Science
discussed in the peer review group, the 'future of peer review' is
strongly linked with movements towards open access and open science.
Some references below which I (Stuart Rossiter) think are particularly
good; feel free to comment / add more. (In particular, I think there is a
baseline understanding of the landscape needed to avoid naïvely
reinventing the wheel in certain ideas.)
Richard Poynder is an open access journalist / commentator with a great neutral viewpoint. His series of (long) interviews with prominent open access figures
gives some great background to the people, ideas and progress. If
you're interested in Open Access, follow him on Google+: he acts as a
broadcast point for all OA developments (including criticisms from
publishers, etc.).
Brembs is particularly interesting for ideas on radical restructuring
of publication, and Stevan Harnad for the original OA idea and a strong
message on Green and Gold OA (see their interviews above). Brembs has
also published some data-heavy critiques of journal rank, and his ideas relate to those of Martin Eve (a librarian).
Christopher Lee's Selected Papers Network (SPN) idea is very interesting, and his paper on it
really captures all the nuances/problems of (journal) peer review (and
as such is a good summary of the 'state of peer review' as well), and
pre-empts all the 'yes, but...' questions for his idea. (Jan de Ruiter
is also a big fan of this.) It also starts looking at the missing piece:
how do reviewers get recognition/kudos for reviewing? Although it would
be cool, he's not that Christopher Lee :-)
For a concrete open peer review platform and journal, Pöschl has a paper about the platform for his ACP journal (which has been in place for some time).
In terms of open science more generally, the Science Code Manifesto is a good starting point (and the founding authors, especially Victoria Stodden, Cameron Neylon and Peter Suber).
Interesting References on Scarce Time Allocation and Science
Geard, Nic and Noble, Jason (2010) 'Modelling Academic Research Funding as a
Resource Allocation Problem', Proceedings of WCSS 2010 <>.
Radner, Roy (1975) 'A Behavioural Model of Cost Reduction', Bell Journal of Economics, 6(1), Spring, pp. 196-215.
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