
Tuesday, 17 March 2015

CfP: Special Session on "Simulating the Social Processes of Science"

At Social Simlation 2015 - The Eleventh Conference of the European Social Simulation Association, Groningen (NL), 14-18 September 2015.

DeadLine: 13th April 2015
Details, registration, submission at:

This session is for presenting and discussing simulations that represent part of that set of phenomena we call 'science'. It is part of the activities of the ESSA SIG on the same subject ( This follows on from the special issue of JASSS (, the Lorentz workshop at Leiden in 2014 and previous special issues at the ESSA/SocSim series of conferences. It also connects to the PEERE ( and Knowescape ( COST actions. This session includes (but is not limited to) simulations about: scientific creativity/innovation, the peer review system, how research grants are distributed, co-authorship and academic collaboration, the emergence and impact of academic fields, and how researchers utilise the knowledge from previous researchers.

For any queries about this session and its scope contact me, Bruce Edmonds <>.